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To live is To Die

وقتی مردی دروغ می گوید،
       قسمتی از دنیا را می کًشد.
اینها مرگهای رنگ رفته ای هستند که به اشتباه زندگیشان می نامند.
همه اینها را دیگر نمی توانم شاهد باشم.
آیا پادشاهی رستگاری نمی تواند مرا به خانه ام ببرد؟

James Alan Hetfield – To Live Is To Die - “…And justice for all” album - 1988

It's a miracle

Miraculous, you call it, babe
You ain’t seem nothin’ yet

They got Pepsi in the Andes
They got MacDonald’s in Tibet

Yosemite’s been turned into a golf course… for the Japs .
And the Dead Sea is alive … with rap.
Between the Tigris and Euphrates… There’s a leisure centre now:
They got all kinds of sports. They got Bermuda shorts.
 They have sex in Pennsylvania.
A Brazilian grew a tree,
And a doctor in Manhattan,… Save a dying man for free

It’s a miracle,
It’s a miracle,
It’s a miracle,
Another miracle.

By the grace of God Almighty,
And the pressures of the marketplace,
The human race, has civilized itself
It’s a miracle.

We got warehouses of butter,
We got oceans of wine,
We got famine when we need it,
We got designer crime.
We got Mercedes, We got Porsche,
Ferrari and Rolls-Royce.
We got choice.

She said, meet me in the Gordon of Gethsemane, my dear.
The Lord said, Peter, I can see your house from here.
An honest man finally, reaped what he had sown
And a farmer in Ohio, has just repaid a loan.

It’s a miracle.
It’s a miracle.
It’s a miracle.
Another miracle.

We cower in our shelters,
With our hands over our ears,
Lloyd Webber’s awful stuff, runs for years and years and years and years and …

An earthquake hits the theatre
But the operetta lingers,
Then the piano lid comes down,
Breaks his fucking fingers.

It’s a miracle.

--Roger Waters--


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